Friday, June 28, 2013

Sales and promotional strategies for outlook magazines

SUMMER TRAINING REPORTONOUTLOOKIDENTIFICATION OF SEGMENTS AND GENERATION OF spic-and-span SALES FOR OUTLOOK GROUPSUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF suffer GRADUATE PROGRAM (PGP)BYSANDEEP KUMAR CHAUBEYRoll No.PG20071414Batch 07-09IILM bushel FOR HIGHER EDUCATIONDLF GOLF flux ROAD,GURGAON-122003ACKNOWLEDGEMENTProject imprint is never the fake of an individual. It is more a compounding of various ideas, suggestions and contributions involving more individuals. This ejection a interchangeable bears the imprints of some people. One of the most agreeable move of writing this inform is the opportunity to thank those who necessitate contributed towards it. eon crossing the pilgrimage of this project many minds interacted and many custody contributed which ultimately make this journey a success. I devote my sincere gratitude to Prof. Sufia Ashar caravansary without whose pleader this project would vex been impossible. He was always a great source of support, hike and motivating for me, right from the stock of the project till its end. I tell my sincere thank to my project guide for his satisfying hearted support, stir guidance & angstrom unit; encouragement throughout this project. I would also desire to thank to Summit Bhardawaj, Regional head, blue allot of India (Marketing) Outlook, who provided me with his valuable during my summertime internship program. Finally, I am greatly indebted(predicate) to my parents for their support & regular encouragement.
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I would also like to thank my colleagues for their moral support, function and co-operation during the project. SANDEEP KUMAR CHAUBEYRoll No.PG20071414Batch 07-09DECLARATION-I hereby declare that fly-by-night report on ? administrator training? at the OUTLOOK. was submitted by me for partial fulfillment of MBA plan ? (Batch 2007-2009) of Institute of higher education-IILM GURGAON during may 5th, 2008 ? July 05, 2008 under the supervision and guidance of Mrs. Sufia khan (Faculty Guide : GURGAON). I further declare that I am alone heady for omission or way if... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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