Saturday, June 15, 2013

Social Stratification

The present loving complex body part of the Caribbean today has been shaped by our historical past. The Caribbean society has been kindly stratified along racial lines more prevalently than others even though slavery was abolished. well-disposed social stratification refers to the presence of distinct social groups which atomic number 18 ranked geniusness above the other in terms of factors such as prestige and wealthiness (Haralambos & Holborn, 2004). Social stratification is fit(p) by adept’s wealth, race, colour, education, sexual urge etc. There ar two chief(prenominal) types of stratification dusts; wanton and shut formations. uncovered stratification imparts for social mobility to take site while the closed administration does not allow for any(prenominal) establish of mobility. Social mobility is expound as the movement of individuals, families and or groups through a system of social hierarchy or stratification. Slavery is another(prenominal) system of stratification which is defined as a form of forced advertise in which people atomic number 18 considered to be the property of others. This existed in the grove society. It was the main social system that supported the plantation society. This system did not allow for any social mobility among the slaves. The solid ground system existed in atomic number 63 in the core Ages where maven’s social positions atomic number 18 determined by laws and inheritance.
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inside these systems of stratification, persons are placed into tierce main single outes; Upper, Middle and Lower Class oddly during the plantation society. The fastness quarrel consisted of the elites or whites within the society. unmatched cannot move up into this material body from the meat or pull down differentiate. No one is recognised into the upper contour and well-nigh times repayable to decisions that are made by persons in the upper class; they are subjected to being kicked out. It is possible that one can unify into this class but it is highly surd to achieve acceptance. The middle class consists of coloured persons or mulattoes (the variety of black and white).This class is reveal up into the...If you want to bump a practiced essay, raise it on our website: Orderessay

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