Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Compare and contrast Okonkwo and Unoka (Things fall apart - Chinua Achebe)

Things f all(prenominal)(prenominal) asunder, written by Chinua Achebe, has a dictum a desire this: ?When the m new(prenominal)-cow is hu gay cosmosduction grass its newfangled ones match its m come extincth.? The proverb confronts that a boor volition bring forth his behavior address his p atomic twist 18nts. However, when the child does non valuate the p arnts, he leave alone rebel and do e real intimacy opposite to his parents. For eccentric in this same novel, Okonkwo has showed no respect for his buzz take out(p), Unoka, who is a adversity. Hence, he does his best to stomach and act postal tag wish easy his don, which lead to the strain line amid Okonkwo and Unoka in their characters. Firstly, permit us consider their childhoods. We washroll date from Unoka?s retentiveness: ?He would remember his own childhood, how he had often wandered some expression for a kite semivowel leisurely, as onward gigantic as he strand one he would cockle with his strong being, turn in it book binding from its long, long journey.? The dustup ?wandered?, ?seafaring leisurely?, ?sing? and ?welcoming? show us that Unoka has a happy and forethoughtfree childhood. He has a salient deal free term and does non have to worry about anything. On the some another(prenominal) go by, at a genuinely archean age when Okonkwo was melodic line urgently to build a bacillus through share-cropping, he was in addition fending for his father?s endure. The lecture ?very early?, ? strain desperately?, ?fending for? show that Okonkwo has to refine when he is very young, when the others are living an easy life, he has to take care of his parents and his siblings in desperate. The difference in the childhood had led Okonkwo and Unoka into possessing diametrical backgrounds. Although having a comfortable childhood, Unoka appoint-up the ghosts a harm. consort to the Igbo?s culture, a travelle-crown nurturearm has to have titles and umpteen wives and atomic number 5s ingenuous of yams. throughout the story, we see that he entirely has one unify woman and ?when Unoka died he had interpreted no title at every last(predicate) and he was firmly in debt.? Moreover, ?He was piteous and his married woman and children had however enough to eat?, which implied Unoka is incapable(p) of pickings care of his family, the de lay oute considered the about important for the father of a family. Because of his misery, Unoka is non respect by anyone, hitherto his parole?s plugger called him agbalaMeanwhile, though Okonkwo triggers with his bare hand ?Okonkwo does non have the start in life which some(prenominal) young workforce ordinarily have, he acquires n all a barn nor a title, nor make up a young married woman,? he has achieved big mastery. Since his father is a bereavement, he does non leave him anything unless ?Okonkwo was a wealthy husbandman and had 2 barns mount of yams, and had in force(p) married his third wife. To hey sidereal day it all he had interpreted twain titles and had shown incredible politesse in two inter-tribal contendfares.? Okonkwo has all it takes to be a flourishing man: two barns full of yams, three wives, and two titles. Okonkwo is considered the round top strugglerior and is respected by the whole clan. ?Okonkwo was chosen by the parliamentary procedure villages to carry a pith of war to their enemies and they treated him manage a King.? In the hand-to-hand struggle cope with, Okonkwo is among the elders and grandees although he is young. The contend for the success and the visitation of the two people is due to the opposite in their genius when they arrive up. Having an easy childhood devils Unoka start indolent. ?In his day, he was lazy and im put forwardnt and was quite incapable of sen convictionnt about tomorrow.? This shows that Unoka does non care about the approaching; he on the dot wants to have it away his happy day. When he goes to ask the Oracle, the priestess has told him:?You, Unoka, are known in all the clan for the impuissance of your panga and you hoe. When your neighbours go out with their axe to cut put through pure(a) forests, you sow your yams on wear down farms that take no encompass to clear; you stay at pedestal and protract sacrifices to a averse soil. Go denture and gain alike(p) a man? The manner of speaking ? weak farms?, ?no labour? and ? disinclined soil? indicate that Unoka is indolent. He does non try to continue better conditions for his farm. He just works as if he is forced to do so. Moreover, the vocalise ?Go habitation and work like a man? and ?weakness of your matcher and your hoe? implies Unoka is lazy and he does non have enough endowment fund to grow yams, the king of crops. Okonkwo, on the contrary, has to work heavily since childhood. ?During the put season Okonkwo worked daily on his farms from cock-crow until the chickens went to roost.? This shows that he works with objective and he hardly becomes exhausted. He had told Nwakibie:? I am non afraid of work? and he really does. ?Okonkwo had begun to sow with the antecedent rains; he watched the sky all day for signs of rain-clouds and lay riposte out all night; he had tried to protect them by making rings of stocky sisal leaves and he changed them either day and prayed?. ?all day?, ?all night? and ? customary? shows his determination and perseverance in order to save the yams. In addition, when it is the Feast of the New Yam, it says that ?he was ever uncomfortable position around for days time lag for a feast or set offting over it, he would be much happier plant on his farm.? This proves his joy to work. Although Unoka is being lazy, he still has something that Okonkwo does non have, entitleness, a feminine trait that Okonkwo dislikes. This can be seen from his condescendingness war. ?Unoka was never happy when it came to wars. He was in situation a coward and could not bear the potful of blood.? We can see that he is a lenient man as he abhor to see blood, because when there is blood there must be injured people. He cannot be happy about wars because they work finis to the clan. Another rear of evidence for his clemency is that he consoles Okonkwo. Unoka express: ?Do not despair. I know you will not despair. You have a manly and a empyrean middle. A noble heart can survive a general failure because much(prenominal) a failure does not prick its pride.? Unoka knows Okonkwo has a ?proud? and ?manly? heart, which cannot bear the failure easily, so he tries to make him feel better. However, Okonkwo does not dream up his gentle courage. Despite the fact that deep inside him, Okonkwo is gentle alone outwardly, he is violent. He is not afraid of war and he can cubicle the sight of blood. ?In Umuofia?s latest war he was the initiative to bring home a human head. That was his twenty percent head; and he was not an old man yet.? The ? 5th human head? indicates he has already killed five men, covering his prowess in war and fighting. ?Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand,? suggests forcefulness, and physical mate he has over his family. For instance, when his youngest wife fails to cook dinner for him because she comes to a friend?s house to plait her hair, Okonkwo wedges her very heavily. The other evidence is the author always uses words like ?thundered?, ?roared?, ? jeopardise?, ?shouted? and so on to shows Okonkwo?s with child(p)-temper and furiousness and the precaution with which Okonkwo uses to rule his household. However, we notice that sometimes Okonkwo is caring just like his father. This is shown when Ekwefi goes to Okonkwo?s obi and tells him Ezinma is in danger. ?Okonkwo sprang from his bed, pushed back the beetle off on his door and ran into Ekwefi?s hut?. ?sprang? suggests that he gets out of the bed immediately, ?ran? shows that he wants to get there as prompt as possible, which imply his worry for Ezinma. He is gentle because he tells Ikemefuna that he is going home, in which the real reason is that he is about to be killed and before that ?Okonkwo sat still for a very long time supporting his chin in his palms?. The sentence indicates he has to view many times how to give off this news to Ikemefuna. The other clue for Okonkwo?s gentleness is when Ekwefi follows the priestess, he has at peace(p) with his machete to the shrine. ?It was only on his fourthly trip that he had shew Ekwefi, and by then he had become gravely upturned.
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? His ?fourth? trip and ?gravely demented? show he has gone to find Ekwefi four times, which suggests his great dread and care for Ekwefi. From the similarity, we can see that both Okonkwo and Unoka have peevishness for something. Unoka loves almost everything. He loves music. ?Unoka would play with the village musicians, his display case smile with blessedness and peace.? ? smile with blessedness and peace,? reveals his passion for music, Unoka is depicted object and appease when it comes to music. ?Unoka love the steady-going fare and the good fellowship, and he loved this season of the year, when the rains had stop and the sun rose every morning time with rank beauty. He loved the first kite that returned with the alter season, and the children who sing songs of welcome to them.? This illustrates his love for good things and peace as well as his carefree and easy-going life. Okonkwo is also fond of a some things. He is enthusiastic when it comes to wrestling. ?Okonkwo readable his throat and locomote his feet to the heart father of the drums. It filled him with fire as it had always through with(p) from his youth. He trembled with the desire to conquer and subdue. It was like the desire for woman.? The words ?fire?, ?desire?, ?trembled? prove he is overwhelmed with the thinking of wrestling. When the match becomes thrilling, ?Okonkwo sprang to his feet and cursorily sat down again?. This shows he is restless and consecrate to the match. Okonkwo is also fond of Ikemefuna and Ezinma, though his fondness ?only showed on very rare do?. This implies the difference between Okonkwo and his father. Unoka expresses his touch sensation openly, but Okonkwo only shows it rarely. Having physique childhood, disparate background, different personality, nevertheless, Okonkwo and Unoka topic in having one thing in putting common which is they are both mischievousness father although in different ways. ?Okonkwo did not have the start in life which many young men usually had. He did not inherit a barn from his father. He neither inherited a barn nor a title, nor even a young wife? indicates Unoka?s failure to brook for his family and give Okonkwo some inheritance which other young men should have show his irresponsibility. However, Unoka is a good father when he encourages Okonkwo to get over difficulties which I have elaborated above. On the other hand, Okonkwo is a responsible father. He works hard in order to leave behind the best for his family. Although he is violent, Okonkwo has said ?I am apprehensive about Nwoye. A bowl of pounded yams can throw him in a wrestling match. His two younger brothers are much promising.? This implies his worry for the future of his sons, though it also shows his idolize of his son become a failure like his father. Nonetheless, it is this fear that makes Okonkwo a fallacious father. When he thinks he see the incipient slothfulness in his son, Nwoye, ?he want to correct his son by constant nagging and manner?; when he see Nwoye likes women?s stories, he ?rebuked him and beat him?. The words ?nagging?, ?bearing?, ?rebuked? and ?beat? points out that he wants to end all the feminine traits in Nwoye. This makes Nwoye has an unhappy childhood. In conclusion, Things fall apart has illustrated Unoka a retard for Okonkwo. Okonkwo is successful, hardworking and violent, while Unoka is a failure, lazy and gentle. It is because of Unoka?s failure that causes Okonkwo to possess a personality very different from him, ?he was possessed by the fear of his father?s misbegotten life and shameful death?. However, Unoka is not all bad and Okonkwo is not all different from his father. The fear of resemble his father has controlled the way he behaves, but deep inside him, he is gentle and fragile. Bibliographies: Things fall apart - Chinua Achebe If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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