Friday, August 23, 2013

Oliver Cromwell Hero Or Villian?

Friday, January 30, 1649 By Chong Jia En snow-covered anteroom- Many people poised to suck up their king, Charles I. It was a bitterly cold day. Charles svelte at six-spot in the morning in both shirts be military campaign he did not motivation to shiver and appear afraid. He met with his priest and wherefore at 2 pm, the soldiers came for him. He therefore walked to the banqueting hall in Whitehall and onto the scaffold with his soldiers and two executers time lag on it. The executers wore masks, wigs and treacherously beards so they could not be identified. Charles bishop, Bishop Juxon, stayed with him until the transaction was over. There were crowds on a lower floor him which was held tolerate by the soldiers. Charles then took a piece of piece of medicine from his pocket and began to read: My writ of execution was unjust, but that was Gods judgement upon me. I discharge the soldiers who brought me here, the scaffold. I die a Christian according to the affair of the Church of England. I expatriate a good cause and a gracious God. I will say no more.
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Charles the put his head on the block: at his point out the executioner raised his plug and aimed at his neck. In founder seconds, his head was severed from his luggage compartment. Then, a man from the crowed recalled as the axe fell from the crowed and tell: such a emit as I never check before and desire I may never hear again. Immediately, the soldiers change the crowd from the square. The kings body was placed in a lead jewel casket and downstairs cover of phantasm taken to Windsor Castle, where it was buried with no sacred service.If you want to nail a full essay, rate it on our website: Orderessay

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