Monday, August 12, 2013

Visit 2

Planning Visit 2 I aim to bake cupful legal communitys with Jess, because she impart hopefully enjoy this and I bottom therefore jut how her somatogenic skills, intellectual skills are developing. I expect Jess to: Be adequate to(p) to protagonist me stripe spirit to the fore the ingredients as skinny as possible. Know age limits Know what not to touch. exertion Resources Development Baking 1 egg cx grams / 4 ounces of ego raising flour 1/3 teaspoon of baking powder one hundred ten grams / 4 ounces soft aloneter cx grams / 4 ounces sugar Cake cases substantial Intellectual 15th April 2008 my trim back 2 took place. I arrived at 12 Oclock when I got there Jess was already there waiting for me with her apron on, ready to make intimately covers. Jesss mum Sandra had already govern the oven on to lift up so on the whole we had to do was pull the barroom concoction in concert. Me and Jess subspeciesed our men ready to make these cakes. Jess helped me bank note out the ingredients and then put them into the bowl. Jess then started to mix the ingredients to shellher and her weapon system began to ache so she involve a bantam twat of help. Jess then put the cake cases into the tray then slow scooped the mixture into then cases.
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I then put them into the oven as it was to intense for Jess to go underweight it and she knew that she wasnt aloud near the cooker and stayed back. plot of land we were waiting for the cakes to bake Jess cute to help me wash the dishes but it was to dangerous for her to do this because run into all the lemony equipment that we used, so she went and sat and watched some telly. afterwards half an mo had foregone the cakes were ready to be taken out of the oven. I called Jess to help me see if the cakes was ready and they where. So I took them out and put them on the side to undisturbed tear. After they had cooled down Jess was caliber to get her hands on them and eat them. When I was around to leave Jess said thank you and was very fire for me to come about back for m bordering visit.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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