Saturday, September 28, 2013

Biological Psychology

What exactly is biological psychological science? According to Wickens, biological psychology can be defined ?the study of the brain and how it causes or relates to behavior?. It is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain and neuro enchantters localise behavior, thoughts, and feelings. It names include biopsychology, psychobiology, and behavior neuroscience The purpose of this paper is to discerp and analyze the field of biological psychology with primary grind down on the theorist that contributed to the historical development of the field, the kind between biopsychology and other fields of psychology, and the underlying assumptions of the biopsychological approach. From an historic sales booth the in truth first individuals to discern that brain was the root word for the mind, were the Greeks. Galen was the first to project a theory of brain expatriate based on the ventricles although he believed that the ?heart was the crucial organ,? which housed the cri tical spirit. (Wickens, 2005) Rene Descartes was a French dualist that proposed that the pineal gland was the means by which the mind and the soundbox interacted. In addition to his theory of the pineal gland he also coined the concept of automatic reflex. His theories and concepts pave the way for redbrick physiology and psychology.
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It wasn?t until 1791 when Luigi Galvani conducted experiments with frog legs that it became appargonnt that nerves were able to transmit electricity that Descartes theories were challenged. With a saucyfound understanding of how impulses were transmitted the embody structure of nerves and their physiology were still in question. Camillo Golgi discovered a new staining process that enabled the visual! ization of the neuron and with this new visibility Santiago Ramon y Cajel were able to determine and apologize the function of neurons. The underlying assumption of the biopsychological approach is that biological and psychical processes are directly... If you want to get a full essay, clubhouse it on our website:

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