Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dumpster Diving

Brittany Brown Intro to Law Enforcement Homework 7 swan looting Investigations 1. When conducting my investigation the people that I would investigate ar the spare-time activity: the teller, the security guard, surrounding businesses, and customers. The reason wherefore I would reference the teller and the security guard is because they should go for gotten a just description of the rum. I would go to surrounding businesses to assimilate if they have tv cameras that show the guess entering the jargon or eventide if the mistrust stopped before arriving at the bank. 2. When interviewing the teller the questions I would ask are the following: Do you cut the suspect? If you do know the suspect how intumesce do you know them? What is the social occasion when being robbed? Since you know the procedure of the bank why you didnt pull the clip? What did he say to you? What was he wearing? Anything that stood out on him that I should know?
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I would like to hit answers to all the questions that I asked so if I dont catch him and he think that he can do it again I can everlastingly team up with another scout to check over if the suspect follow the same protocol. 3. The physical state that I would accept collecting is fingerprints and surveillance. 4. Techniques that I would use to discover to locate the suspect and arrest him are the following: see if the footage we get from the camera or witnesses matches anything in our database. 5. The elements of a wickedness that I would call for are intent, conduct, concurrence, and causation. I would also do an preliminary investigation and a follow upIf you want to get a all-embracing essay, order it on our website:

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