Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Rite of Passage in The Catcher in the Rye

and A Separate intermission         The rite of pall, according to Encarta, is an amount or act that marks a significant shift key in a human life usually referring to maturity date (Online 1). In some(prenominal) Indian tribes, ceremonies were held for youths trying to pass a series of tests in order to become an large(p), many times the tests involve a display of physical prowess. In western sandwich Civilization reaching a rite of passage into maturity date can occur in many ways. The young adult must achieve an grounds about ones self and the friendship around him. However, this level of maturity is rarely reached without suffering mad pain or cloudiness (Helfand/Bliss 1). In both A Separate peace of mind and The Catcher in the rye whiskey the main characters, subdivision and Holden, experience great emotional combat injury and surprise as they attempt to make the rite of passage into adulthood.         In the book The C atcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield is expelled from Pencey training because of his impuissance grades, however, he does not wishing to confront his parents today afterwards getting expelled, instead he decides to go to naked as a jaybird York for three days to allow the countersign of him getting expelled to drop down in with his parents. In spick-and-span York, Holden struggles to find himself amongst a population of adults.
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His confusion and misconceptions of how an adult acts sets him on course for an emotional breakdown.         In A Separate Peace gene attends Devon Prep tutor with Finny, his best friend and roommate during World War II. Gene is a brilliant learner and right jock who admires Finny! for his unbelievable athleticism and his unique personality. Gene believes he is in aspiration with Finny. Gene is a good athlete and has the best grades in his class and Finny is the best athlete but barely gets... If you want to get a ample essay, order it on our website:

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