Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Life And Ministry Of A.j. Tomlinson

Life and Ministry of A . J . TomlinsonAmbrose J . Tomlinson (1865-1943 ) belonged to a sensibly wealthy family from Westfield , Indiana . His family conducted business , and so the young Tomlinson , later on finishing his studies at the prominent Westfield Academy , tried his realize at business as well . His life in the huge Quaker federation was serene to begin with . In the rural club Tomlinson was able to connect with a just a(prenominal) spectral people who strengthened his interest in the credo (Hunter , 2003Tomlinson s neighbors in Westfield included two African-American families . Each drop the African-American families in addition to some of the freed slaves attended populate meetings of people of color . White worshippers were attracted to the meetings as well . unfluctuating Tomlinson happened to att end some of these meetings . Soon he was introduced by a man named J . B . Mitchell to Charles G . Finney , a gospeller . In the family 1894 , Tomlinson and Mitchell co-founded the Book and Tract Company which took them both(prenominal) on short trips to Appalachia . Tomlinson was introduced to Frank Sandford , the founder of the Shiloh community , and former(a) ghostlike figures around this prison term (HunterTomlinson s understanding of religious belief was enhanced as he encountered important religious personalities . The Acts 2 commune practiced by the Shiloh community , for font , provided a model for his family to imitate . In the year 1899 , Tomlinson and his family came crossways the Fire-Baptized Holiness Association of B . H . Irwin (Hunter By this time Tomlinson had been eagerly seeking out locations where special visitations of the divine shade were occurring (Nienkirchen 1992 ,. 32 According to Nienkirchen , the goal of Tomlinson was to find the con fessedly ` church of divinity fudge where ! the preaching of the word was being substantiate by miracles , signs , and wonders , to motorher with gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the sit of Acts (p .
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32 The Church of God for All Nations describes Tomlinson s success in ultimately finding the Church of GodAccording to prophecy , the Church (Zion ) was positive to place upright from the grave of the DarkAges among the Gentiles in the Last geezerhood (Isaiah 60 :1-3 Isaiah 52 :1 . This occurred on June13 , 1903 , in Cherokee County , northern Carolina , when Prophet A . J Tomlinson found the luggage compartmentof people whom God had chosen to be the resurrection Church of God in its infancy this sideof the Dark Ages . It was in this same year that the Wright Brothers arose from the earth bythe ruse of the airplane , a material witness to what God was doing spiritually (Isaiah60 :8Prior to this time , A . J . Tomlinson was a colporteur for the American discussion Societydistributing Bibles and religious lit throughout the southeastern United States . He alsoprinted and distributed his first number called Samson s Foxes God began to moveupon him to find the body of people who would be the Church of the Last Days . Afterinvestigating umpteen groups , he scripturally fit(p) the one which God had chosen . It wasthe remains...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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