Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Caesar Essay

clams Antony and Brutus both created powerful speeches that voiced their opinion on Caesars death in the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare. Mark Antony apply his logical system and emotion to amaze the stand that on that point was no reason for Caesar to discombobulate been killed while Brutus used his logic to try and prove that murdering Caesar was a good idea. They both had undreamt styles of speaking and used several(prenominal)(prenominal) devices to get the conclave on their array but I believe Mark Antony had the benefit and the better speech. Both speakers used rhetorical heads to get their interviews attention. Mark Antony asked. I thrice presented him a magnificent crown which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?(3.2.24-25) This psyche worked for Antony because every wiz learnd that Caesar could non collect been ambitious if he had refused to last the ruler and have power above all of them. Mark Antony used sever al more examples of when Caesar had not been ambitious followed by request if that was ambition. It was axiomatic that the advertise would have to think and run into that it was not a desire of his to become king, educeing Antony support. Brutus, on the otherwise hand, tried to gain the peoples support from the crowd by asking them many questions about their retire for Rome.
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Had you alternatively Caesar were living and frighten away all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all still men.(3.2.11-12) This question went in favor for Brutus because the people dont want to be slaves so it gave them something to think about. Another nonpareil of his questions was, Who here is so vile that will not love his country? If any! , speak-for him I have offended. I pause for a reply (3.2.20-22) The crowds silence that followed signified that they realize Caesar is only one man but their country is forever. This question brought the crowd to his side but not enough to control Antony from convincing them otherwise. Although both men used their logic to prove their point, Antonys emotion helped him win...If you want to get a safe essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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