Thursday, December 26, 2013

Abstinence Only Education

Abstinence Only Education Sexual genteelness has evolved everyplace the die hard twenty years and much has been debated oer how conjure should be taught in schools across the nation. Those in privilege of comprehensive versed training argue that teenagers be discharge to realize sexual activity because they are unable to falsify their familiar urges and should be taught from a safe-sex approach (Eske, 2003). According to the Abstinence educators net (AEN) teaching moderation all raising encourages teenagers to take control over their informal urges and abstain from knowledgeable activity that could purge them at hazard for sexually contagious diseases, un-planned pregnancy, and emotional distress. explore shows that abstinence only education tush be an strong teaching method to prevent teenagers from savory in sexual activity. Kathleen Tsubata is the co-director of the Washington back up International mental home and is the author of Abstinence- Only Programs acquire Youth. Tsubata states that argument against abstinence only education distract from the trustworthy issue that arises from teens having sex; contracting human race immunodeficiency virus/AIDS.
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According to the CDC in 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people healed 13-24 in the 33 states reportage to the CDC were diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS and according to the CDC abstinence only is the only 100% preventable way to prevent contracting HIV through sexual activity. Having multiple sexual partners is the number mavin risk instrument for contracting HIV and 19% of teens have had four or more sexual partners (Tsubata, 2003). If teens were not engaging in sex and with multiple partners ! by abstaining they would not be at risk for contracting HIV through sexual activity. Tsubata explains that teens have a very superficial understanding of HIV and that many are putting themselves at risk by engaging in sexual activity. Along with the prevention of HIV, abstinence only education helps in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. sexually transmitted diseases are rampant among teenagers...If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website:

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