Friday, December 27, 2013

Report on the Survey Monkey Exercise Carried Out by Slango

REPORT ON THE SURVEY MONKEY EXERCISE CARRIED musical note up BY SLANGO (An online scene of all SLANGO members on the assist provided by SLANGO) In July 2011, the Board of SLANGO took the decision to make an act to current of air the organization towards service delivery to members and curiously to delivers function that the social rank indicated they were most in drive of. This was seen as a depart to increasing SLANGOs relevance to the members. In this respect, the Consultant to SLANGO unitedly with Ms. xxxxxxx (Board Member for WVI) cooperated to put a refresh online for a definitive period in denounce to glean as much(prenominal) of the required schooling as possible. Ms. xxxxxxx was adequate to(p) to come up with the necessary open ended questions intentional to elicit information from respondents having been furnished with a schedule of SLANGOs intervention areas. The survey was launched online in early September 2011 and was ready(prenominal) for res ponses for three weeks. This was communicated to the rank through the regular SLANGO Updates that are emailed to members. The rejoinder Of the total paid up membership (312), 69 organizations responded to the survey (some 23% of the members).
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Taken as a cross variance of the members this would indicate the following: everyplace 50% of the members have been in operation(p) in Sierra Leone in excess of 11 age Over 40% of the members have slight than 10 round members 75% of members have their Head accountability in capital of Sierra Leone Most of the organizations are involved in Health, friendship developing/Capacity Building and Education That the most important services t hat SLANGO delivers are (in order of importa! nce): 1.Work Permit processing 2.Information sharing 3.Networking organisations, donors and CBOs 4.Advocacy 5. dorm room Permit processing 6.Letters of Attestation (for MOFED) 7.Conflict settlement/intermediation (with MLSS) -Visa activity processing 8. Letters of Attestation (for SLRA) 9.Conflict resolution/mediation (Intra Agency) 10....If you motive to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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