Saturday, December 14, 2013

The West

The West The westward expansion brought about many things to the report of the United States. Bringing people of diversity and religious scene of action together in the quest for land and a springy demeanor of living. Going west meant leaving everything behind, and looking toward the future. commonwealth were able to leave behind their lives of business and well draw out upbringing and fight, erstwhile again, for their survival. In the conflict with the wilderness, birth, education, wealth, and social standings entice counted for little in comparison with strength, vigor and aggressive courage.(Paxson, The goal American Frontier, pg 2.) According to Paxson, the frontier was a new substance of living, socially and culturally. During the westward expansion, the military was thriving. The men had wives and those wives, who once fasten simple lives that consist of tea and dinner parties, change once in the west. They no longer worried about world proper they wo rried about survival. The women would hunt, cook, and clean over unfastened fires, out in the wild. The women kept social gatherings on the post and had Sunday schools for the black children. The women of the west used their education to rook the uneducated.
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When women organized Sunday school for the blacks or cared for the laundresses who where ill, they where inspired as much by a sense of noblesse wait in as empathy.(Eagles, pg. 129) Women on the frontier wise(p) to live on her own, due to the fact the men where out serving the military. They in condition(p) to fight and hunt for them selves. Frontier women brought new ideas of how women lived. They brought new ideas to w omen liberty that leads to the rights of wo! men, and women suffrage. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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