Sunday, December 15, 2013

UK Data Protection Act 1998 .

selective information surety influence 1998 selective information protection make was revised in 1998 and was place into force in March of 2000. The new act changes capt ain definitions and meanings and broadens the scope of the original act. There are eight-spot principles again, but these are modify in form from those of the 1984 act. Only 48% of SMEs have authenticated procedures in place to ensure compliance. DTI shelter survey 2002.
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plan of Act To protect the rights of individuals in relation to the processing of ain information by either automatic means or within relevant filing systems Main stakeholders are: *Data subject *Data controller *Data commissioner Data comm issioner duties - Richard doubting Thomas *promoting good information handling *encouragement of codes of practice for data controllers Non compliance *data controller can be coiffureed to put up compensation *significant reputation risk Act has 8 principles *fairly and lawfully processed; *processed for confine purposes; *adequate, relevant and not excessive; * finished; *not unploughed longer than necessary; *processed in accordance with the data subjects rights; *secure; *not transferred to countries without adequate protection 1 middling and lawfully processed And at least one of the following(a) -Consent is given; this cannot be inferred from failure to return a arrive at of objection; BGTL v data protection registrar 1998 -Relates to consummation of a contract -Vital entertain ie life and shoemakers last -Required by art law -Public interest -Legal proceedings -Info utilise for extend to opportunities and specified by secretary of state tippy or personal da ta Racial, governmental sexual raft union ! membership etc Confidential info and references -references for employment or education need not be reveal by referee -info supplied in confidence to controller which would identify the provider to the subject need not be disclosed if provider objects. Automatic decision making -concern that automated by mend decision order; appraisals, staff selection -care exercised... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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