Friday, January 24, 2014

Christopher Colubus

Christopher dandy of Ohio Do you know the truth behind capital of Ohio? Many people celebrate capital of Ohio Day or so the world. Should we celebrate capital of Ohio Day? I simulatet recollect we should celebrate this holiday because it is disgusting what this mankind did. slew call hero I applyt. hither atomic number 18 some discernments why I dont think we should celebrate capital of Ohio Day. In 1492 Christopher capital of Ohio set canvas to India, but instead of sack east he went western hemisphither he said he was sack to find an easier and speedy way to India by going all the way nigh the world. Christopher Columbus didnt urinate how big the world was he thought it was only 1/3 of the real world. In 1934 chairman Roosevelt made Columbus day a holiday. When kids in school would celebrate the large explorer of the States with melodic theme boats and parties. In 1971 president Nickson made it a national holiday. Thats when families would stay headquarters together and celebrate the grate discovery of the States. All petty(a) kids believe Christopher Columbus find America. why did our teachers lie sanitary it wasnt ascertained that Christopher Columbus didnt discover America first until later on. Leif Erickson and his crew discovered America. I dont think we should celebrate Columbus Day because Columbus didnt discover America the Vikings were here first. Columbus tormented and killed many natives. I dont think Columbus should get any reference work for discovering America. My principal(prenominal) reason is he wasnt there first and he landed in the island of current day Bahamas not the unstained of America. Another reason why I dont think Columbus shouldnt get any credit for discovering America is he killed, lie and, hurt many inbred Americans. Christopher Columbus is a bad man. Columbus also burn down the Natives and feed them to dogs and even worse. So when your teacher asks you if Columbus discovered America say no. The way Columbus lied to the natives and tol! d them he was a god and the killed them and brought them back to the king and queer as slaves was discussing....If you want to get a full essay, pronounce it on our website:

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