Monday, January 27, 2014

Constantine The Great

Throughout time there set out been diametric men and women who have make significant marks in history that whitethorn be considered indelible. One of these men, Constantine the Great, more formally known as, Caesar Flavius Constantinus Pius Felix Invictus Augustus made tremendous unearthly contri furtherions to the roman letters mess in which he ruled. For the first time ever, a Christian emperor ascended the good deal of the Rome. In the year 323 CE Constantine the Great became the sole convention of the Roman Empire. 1 The conclude of this paper is to explore the religious contributions Constantine the Great made for the Roman people. Constantine the Great not and legalized and helped establish Christianity in Rome, but he set up the Council of Nicaea to reestablish religious peace and reward the site of Christs resurrection with the church building building of the Holy Sepulcher. Constantine the Great, was born at Naissus, which is now Nisch, Servia. The exact while of his birth is unknown but is thought to be betwixt the years 274 and 288. (cite).2 Constantine was the eldest give-and-take of Constantius Chlorus , and his concubine, Helena. Constantine I first wonderful himself by his military giving under Diocletia . . . It is currently ran by the Greek Orthodox church but administers five separate denominations to include Roman Catholic Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian, and Armenian. He moved his home to Byzantium, established it as the refreshed Roman capital and changed the pull in to Constantinople (now Istanbul). His favoring of those who saw deliverer as God was, then, a social occasion of semipolitical expediency rather than theological reasoning. The Council of Nicaea produced a teaching of Christendom called the Nicene Creed. Regardless, his contributions are undeniably indelible. Constantine had a vision of a ardor cross that bore the inscription HOC VINCES, which means In this cut back. I f you want to get a full essay, parliamenta! ry fairness it on our website:

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