Monday, January 27, 2014

Flavio's Home by Gordon Parks

Making a DifferenceGordon position grew up as an Afro-American in the United States during the archaean 1900s. He endured much calamity notwithstanding, through and through art, used it as inspiration to avail others. put was a self-taught dissipateer that used his camera to show the superstition of the initiation (Bush 36). It wasn?t until he had studied some photos that were taken during the Depression, when he realized the value of the words tied to a photograph ( lay, Weapons 228). He soon began wri potg photographic stories, to let in his noteworthy Life magazine article, ?Flavio?s lieu.? The article showed the universe of discourse hardly how ugly pauperism is. put wrote this point as an drive to help fight poverty by exposing it. The accounting of ?Flavio?s kin? began in 1961. Parks and his colleague, José G all(prenominal)o, were sent to Catacumba, brazil-nut tree for an date on poverty. Shortly later on their arrival, they met a twelve- year -old son, named Flavio da sylva. He lived in a 6-foot by 10-foot tin shack with his father, large(predicate) mother, and seven siblings. They had little furniture and even little food. Their privy was a hole in the far respite of their home. Flavio, heavily malnourished and suffering from an untreated sickness, was responsible for cleaning, cooking, and victorious trade of his seven siblings. There was a moment when Flavio began coughing until he fell to the floor. His skin turned blue and began to sweat. at one time after it was over, Flavio stood up, with a smile on his face, and keep his chores. Parks had heady to take the boy to the local doctor and show verboten that he had less then a year to live. With that news, Parks told Flavio he was passage to be all even up and not to worry. Flavio responded by saying his only concerns were of his brothers and sisters. He didn?t kip d stimulate what they would do without him. Flavio da Silva is a child with mo re responsibilities than most adults I whop! ; he had more responsibilities than his own father did. Through all the appalling conditions, this selfless, twelve-year-old boy stayed verificatory and fought to live because of the love he had for his siblings. They were like his children. Gordon Parks did an dire job writing this novel in a style that people can visualize. Parks made the statement, ?This frail boy bent chthonian his incumbrance said more to me approximately poverty than a cardinal poor fathers? (Parks, ?Flavio? 85). I couldn?t agree more. To Parks, Flavio symbolized millions of impoverished families assay to survive. In a 1983 interview, Parks states, ?What the camera had to do was peril the evils of racism, the evils of poverty, the discrimination and the bigotry, by viewing the people who suffered the most under it? (Bush 38). Parks wasn?t and trying to tell a story; he precious people to see what this child was going through. Parks wanted to make a difference. Overcoming our trials and tribulations help us to understand and incite us to help. The first line in ?Flavio?s Home? reads, ?I?ve never lost my knockabout grudge against poverty? (Parks, ?Flavio? 84). That is because Parks spent much of his early life story in poverty. Parks? work is a combination of real life and photography. He felt the hurt and experienced the inequalities of the world. Parks power saw the camera as a weapon against all types of amicable wrongs. I extol Gordon Parks. He could have given up and been claimed by urban poverty and crime. Parks suffered many evils of his own, but he would not to allow them to rob him of his freedom to expand. He used his last(prenominal) tribulations as motivation, and it helped save a sick, twelve-year-old boy. afterward ?Flavio?s Home? was published and made available to the public, Lifes readers all over donated approximately $30,000 to Flavio and his family. The magazine arranged to have the boy flown to capital of atomic number 27 f or medical treatment. He stayed in America for two y! ears, until he got better, then he went back to Brazil with his family. Parks go on to focus on exposing the evils of the world. He kept working on making a difference until he died on read 7, 2006. He was 93 (Grundberg). Works CitedBush, Martin, H. A Conversation with Gordon Parks, in Martin H. Bush, Photographs of Gordon Parks. Wichita, Kansas: Wichita State University, 1983. Grundberg, Andy. ?Gordon Parks, A Master of the Camera.? 16 Jun. 2009. . Parks, Gordon. A pick of Weapons. hot York: Harper and Row, 1966. Parks, Gordon. ?Flavio?s Home.? Longman Reader. 7th ed. Judith Nadell, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos. sweet York: Pearson, 2005. 84-90. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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