Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hiv Aids

A Vicious Killer computer virus human immunodeficiency virus. much(prenominal) a short abbreviation yet it can leads to a actually deadly disease, Acquired Immune Deficiency Symptom (AIDS). world Immunodeficiency Virus (human immunodeficiency virus) is peerless of the retroviruses that attacks and damages the cells of the bodys repellent dodge (Nettleman, 2011). Thus, it may leads to AIDS. The number of human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS patients increases solar day by day since it first identified in the primeval 1980s. hands and women as well as children can be diagnosed to clear infected by the virus. There are several(prenominal) pass waters of universe infected by HIV which are the overlap of grime syringe and beset, unsafe charge up coiffure and perinatal transmission. A person can slow infected by HIV through and through the talk of contaminated syringe and molest. It is usually rule among the dose addicts. They carry on the same syringe and nee dle to pullulate drugs or steroids because they overlook of availability and a kind of expressing shipment between all(prenominal) other (Farid, 1988). Moreover, the drug addicts who have HIV also office the virus to a nonher drug addicts through the tiny essence of blood that attach on the needle (Hirsch, 2011). She further tell that, HIV can also be communicate from one person to another by sharing needle when tattooing. For the non-Muslims, about of them choose to tattoo their body. Unconsciously, the virus index be transmit as well as the sharing of needle among the drug addicts. Thus, the sharing of contaminated syringe and needle should be avoided to prevent us away from HIV. Another cause of getting this virus is by doing unsafe sex practice. A person is utter to have an unsafe sex practice when not wearing away any protection during sex. It means that the better half does not wearing condom. According to Aondohemba & Aondohemba (2011) It is assumed that untamed internal behavior is characterized ! by early age or pre-marital sex, extra-marital sex, fivefold partners without the use of condom which lead to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Besides...If you want to get a full essay, coif it on our website:

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