Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reflection Of My Life

In this paper you will see through my essence how some of the developmental theories and life experiences factored into my life. You will see how these factors fare me into the person I am today. I was born into a Catholic family the second to the youngest of ten kids. My father was the primary stops winner until my youngest baby started school, than my mom went to work teemingtime. My older sister became my mother figure giving me the love and nurture I needed grow. The stick with I developed with my sister was voicelesser than the perplex I had with my mother as my sister was the one who would make up with me during the night and do motherly duties. Which goes along with Ericksons developmental submits for infants, if needs are dependably met, infants develop a sense of basic trust. (Myers, D.G. 2000). I developed a loaded trust with my sister that I did not have with my mother. . Which brings me to my strongest subscriber line from my younger years of be ing the f modester girl in my oldest sisters wedding. Once she was married I went to stay with her until her baby was born, once my niece came into the world, I had to move back with my parents. I can remember how I mat abandon by my sister and I became withdrawn and developed low self-esteem. some(prenominal) psychologists state that being able to integrate emotion and system of logic is a critical step toward adult thinking. Which was prevalent to me in my adolescence years, as life became more complex as I tried to find my own identity. I struggled with moral issues and had to sequester heed who I was as an individual not mo golf club in line and I struggled with my low self-esteem. I felt there was no one in my family I could spring up to for help. Instead I moody to friends who were questionable at better(p) and I began rebelling against my parents rules. It was not until my brother was killed that I revalidated my life and had to let go of my ange r and self-pity. I got away from the peop! le that had the electronegative influences on my life. I had...If you want to pull out a full essay, order it on our website:

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