Sunday, January 26, 2014

'The English language shows, in miniature, the history of England itself.' Discuss.

VCE English Language Unit 2 Outcome 1: Assessment Task The origins of the English language can be traced plump for as far as fifth degree centigrade AD, by Germanic tribes from across the Channel. They were followed by the Vikings from the late eighth Century, and erstwhile the Vikings had been assimilated into the Old English the French-Normans arrived in the historically renowned scrap of Hastings, in 1066. More development follows with advancing of engineering science and standardization of text, encouraged by the arrival of the printing conjure up to England by William Caxton. Old English belongs to the western United States Germanic family, brought to England (ca. 5th Century AD) by three Germanic tribes - the Saxons, the Angles and the Jutes - from across the Channel, displacing the Celtic peoples settled preceding to the Germanic migrants pushing back the Celtic tongue to Wales, Cornwall and Scotland. The tribes, for each one of unlike numbers, dialects and arriving at different times, were first invited over to shore up the ruins from the de percentageed Roman Empire, Mr Bragg comments, stayed to lot the spoils and then, dug in. (pg. 1, line 9). During the adjoining few centuries, four main English dialects dominated in different parts of Britain - Northumbrian (Northumbria), Mercian (Kingdom of Mercia), West Saxon (Kingdom of Wessex) and Kentish (Kent). But though Northumbrias ending proved to be the leader in culture and language dominancy, the Viking invasion (ca. eighth Century AD) brought Northumbrias dominancy to an end, as swell up as the goal of Mercia. Only Wessex survived as a demesne separate to the Viking witness - brought about Ælfred the Great, who managed to defend and keep Wessex from comely a part of Viking England, now Danelaw. Old English had five well-formed cases - dative, genitive, accusative, tokenish and instrumental - and allocated gender (feminine, masculine, If you want to get a luxuriant essay, order it on ! our website:

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