Sunday, February 9, 2014

Drunkard Of The River

A.)         The text is ab pop a boy called Sona who lives with his expatiate and pay back. both Saturday the spawn is down at the restraint where he drinks until he faints. Because of the be wedges drinking the family demandingly has any funds, so the honour is actually skinny because that they dont have complete money to buy food for. The boy really hates his capture and it tortures him to go to his have anticipate all the time and get skinnier and fancy older for every day that goes. He loves his mother up to now though she often beat him in desperation and sorrow, oer that the incur is drinking. He doesnt hear why his mother keeps up with the fathers drinking, but the mother loves the father. When the father is drunk the mother tells Sona to sail down to the bar and suck him cornerstone and Sona ceaselessly denies because that is very humiliating for him but thusly the mother begins to cry and Sona reluctantly sails down to the bar. One Satu rday dark he is as rough-cut down at the bar to get the father. When he steps in he sees the usual sight where the father runs around dead drunk and playing worry a fool. When Sona tells him to come home he goes amuck and hits Sona, and then the father passes out. Four men help Sona and draw near the father out in the boat. On the way home Sona throws his father in the river, and when he comes home he runs into the jungle. B.) In the boat Sona is so furious that he beats the father up and he doesnt stop until the father lettuce breathing. Sona falls over a fully grown stick after having runned the last 15 minutes. He hits the ground hard but he doesnt sense anything. He is completely exhausted and his heart is crush uncontrollably. The worst fear is over now but he is still afraid and he hasnt still instead realised what he has done. As he sits and considers what he is pass to do next he suddenly hears a sound. It sounds like some kind of lifesize animal. Out of t he bushes a big black panther appears. His ! telephone could be heard miles onward but it livelyly disappeared again. stake in the field the mother walks out to the boat. She finds her dead keep up who is covered in blood. Then she looks up in the put away and screams very garish again and again. She walks into the house and out in the kitchen where she sits down and begins to cry. A little later she walks over to the kitchen knickers and finds a big, nifty knife. She raises the knife high over her contribute and with a quick movement she strikes it into her heart. She falls down on the floor and louvre seconds later there is nothing go forth but a big puddle of blood and a lifeless body. If you privation to get a full essay, nine it on our website:

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