Friday, February 7, 2014


Outline Introduction What does your mom think of you ? It is just a little subsequently(prenominal) sunset and a homemade deliver stands as the mount for Sorions russian commonwealth or farm.A lake is the natural emphasise for the stage itself Medvedenko is a miserable school teacher he thinks he would be happier if he would be with a young lady named Masha scarce only if he has more money.Masha is the the daughter of the guys who runs the commonwealth Shamrayev scarce he commands her to be with Treplev.Masha snorts snuff and she declares her love for Medvedenko alone therefore she tell him that they cannot be in love. In the seagull,Anton Chekhov explores the syllabus of artists in love through the use of symbolism and repetition. panorama Context Chekhov the third countersign of Pavel moved to Moscow.In Moscow he finished school and he t placeored the nephew of the person who bought the estate.He attended medical checkup school and from th ere he publshed his branch short chronicle in a magazine.There after medical school he went on to publish 4 succesful stories.Once he haad the money he purchased the estate in 1892.Chekhov clear (the best literary fruit distinguished by full(prenominal) artistic worth in 1888.) (Anton Chekhov) lake/estate The lake and estate served as a background to one of his near famous plays The Seagull.The Seagull was pen in 1895 that the estate wasnt the first place it was performed at it was performed in Petersburg. it didnt turn out so good the first time cause the listening hated it.The only causa the audience came was cause it was wrongly advertised.Later on Chekhov married an actress named Olga Knipper. character referenceization Medvedenko He is a poor school teacher with a family at home but he cannot suppourt them.He cant really intimidate a colloquy and he complains alot about how poor he is also he is in love with another character named Masha.He wins her hand in m arriage and later has a family with her. He! is very arouse because he is part of the love triangle. Sorin he is aboout 60 and he...If you want to get a full essay, show it on our website:

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