Monday, February 3, 2014

Symbilism in the Birthmark

Symbolism Symbolism is very(prenominal) effective in Nathaniel Hawthornes soon story, The Birthmark. Georgiana is portrayed as a very pretty woman, expert now Aylmer, her husband, chamberpot just focus on her solo flaw. She has a red, hand-shaped mark on her left cheek. This birthmark is the earth of symbolism for the entire story. One, it symbolizes reproach and morality. Two, it is the symbol of death. Three, the alter of the birthmark represents passion and sexuality. First, the birthmark shows that all charitable cannot make imperfective aspection and morality. Although Georgiana was the most beautiful woman in the story, the birthmark turn up to be her one imperfection. No, dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of Nature that this slightest possible defect, which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty, shocks me, as creation the macroscopical mark of earthly imperfection (Meyers 402). still though Georgiana was very attrac tive, the birthmark shows that she is still serviceman. Aylmer wanted to discharge his wife of the birthmark, but no human is capable of beingness portrayed as perfect. Since she cannot obtain perfection, Georgiana cannot be immortal. However, Aylmer cannot bring himself to require his wife as she is, showing that he does not richly understand the human body. Second, death is inevitable in every humans life. Georgianas birthmark shows that none is perfect. With that being said, death is just a normal part of human life. However, Aylmer does not seem to comprehend this. He can only focus on bringing his wife to perfection. By ridding Georgiana of her imperfection, however, he similarly rids her of her humanity. formerly she is perfect, once she is no long-run flawed, Georgiana can no longer live, because she is no longer a soulfulness (Schmoop Editorial Team). As her birthmark fades away, her life goes with it. Third, the birthmark is red, which is also the color of passi on. Therefore, the birthmark could represent! Georgianas sexuality. A recognise reason, then, that Aylmer...If you want to rule a full essay, order it on our website:

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