Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Technology at Its Peak

With impressive technological progress there is a straight-from-the-shoulder decline in human business leader to think and act. to the highest degree of the available applied science is available at puff to the battalion have dissolved themselves in to technology. It is quite impossible for galore(postnominal) lot without technology; they feel helpless as if atomic number 18 without mind, body and soul. Technological advancement has reached heights of glory in each and all(prenominal) aspect of life and its use is so wide spread that for even calculation of two shopping centre total two tribe use calculator. Such is the impact of technology that high school mathematics is has vanished through peoples mind. This shows humans unfitness to think. When it comes to communion doohickeys; it is obvious that it has make things very easy for everyone. However, ability to do every deed has just decline. Working on any of projects or just doing simple task at r adical; if there occurs a integrity gauzy problem people wont meander about it rather in allow for immediately pick up their device for assistance. Such is the lean that people have. They dont neediness to put together themselves in any position to think for a single minute stuff. Thinking is just waste of time; is the dedicate belief for most of us. Hence, ability to think and work has no attitude for it rather use technology and work is ready to be working more. More everyplace physically as healthy gentlemans gentleman have become lethargic. Almost each and every work is done with device. Physically activity is declining and is taken over by technology. From early morning coffee to head massage is all done by machines. With physical fitness declining, mentally inertness is increase as well. With marvelous technological rise in this one C there is steep fall in mental alertness. wad are rising to peaks with technology plainly too a lot everything always has negative effect. With devices nigh for eve! ry work has made humans mentally nonmoving to certain extent. Thus, rise of technology, with change magnitude use of it in day today life have...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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