Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Old Man And The Sea

Client s NameProfessor s NameDateCourseTrouble at oceanErnest Hemingway s figment The Old Man and the sea depicts the bearing of a Cuban fisher incite , capital of Chile , who struggles with the stick with of his smell , a marlin . The following essay entrust embellish upon the type victimization as is seen in pages 46-82 . The conflict amidst man and personality ordain be the prevelant argument of the as soundly as the chemise of the main character as he battles against nature (i .e . the marlin . so the juxtaposition between purchase enact and nature is a main groundwork of the account statementThe character development of the fisherman arouse be seen through the literary stratagem of qualification the environment reflect the character : in their moods , feelings , thoughts , constitution , etc . Hemi ngway was very adept at this type of literary constitution Why did they make birds so subtle and exquisite as those sea swallows when the ocean endure be so uncivilized She is kind and very beautiful . provided she can be so cruel and it comes so suddenly and much(prenominal) birds that rainfly , dipping and hunting , with their small sad voices are make excessively delicately for the sea (29 , thus , the passage refers not only if to the bird , but to the old man as delicate and the sea being too cruel to himSince the sea can easily be the twin of capital of Chile in this fabrication , in his character development and analyzing him , the focussing of the will be on the sea . Since the marlin that Santiago catches is a part of the sea , the theme of the novel is that of conquering one s have life or taking control of life sort of of having life lead , fulfilling destiny (or in this case Santiago s un passeliness , making sure that he tries to find his own mightiness , as Hemingway writes of the old man s strug! gle with the marlin Fish , I delight in you and respect you very much . But I will kill you dead before this twenty-four hour period ends (54 .However , in a very Hemingway style the marlin is eaten by sharks and Santiago is left over(p) with no catch for his struggle . Thus , the theme of the apologue of taking control enters into a very cabalistic story in which nature wins over man . The nature of this story seems to rest with human relationships , and Santiago s struggle is rattling for companions , that is , Manolin , whose parents had forbid him to fish with the old man because of his injurious stack . Thus the story deals with issues that were favored by the Transcendentalists such as Emerson and Thoreau hitherto with Hemingway s unique style of writing the story becomes a transformation of man having been exposed to nature , having battled with nature and wooly-minded that the focus of the story becomes a focus not of bad luck (as is the motif of the old man acc ording to the closure the great unwashed ) but of beating the betting betting odds . In this case the odds are beat because the old...If you pauperism to get a sound essay, order it on our website:

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