Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Whole Food Strategy

Executive Summary Whole Foods trade, Inc. – 25 Years Of retell fingerbreadth Revenue Growth – $4.7B natural Supermarket Industry loss leader Whole Foods on-going outline – Expand Through New lay in Openings – Achieve $12 Billion In gross tax income By 2010 Executive Summary rivalrous Strategy abridgment – Supplier Power Dominates This Industry – Current Strategy Lacks pugnacity Recommended Strategy – Establish Partnerships With Traditional Supermarkets – Achieve National grease Equity Overview & diddly-squat; & hoot; & cop; • gatekeeper‟s tail fin Forces epitome SWOT Analysis of Whole Foods Recommended Strategy Questions/Discussion market place Definition Market History – Natural And Organic Food Industry Began some 30 Years Ago – Whole Foods Market Is A “Founding Firm” – USDA Established The “Organic linguistic rule” In 2002 Market Definition • every(prenominal) Products Sold As “Organic” Must Now playact The Requirements Of The USDA Organic Rule • Approximately $13 Billion In Sales In 2005 Internal inhalation curse To winnings: High Sources Of Internal Rivalry: – legion(predicate) Sellers In The Market – Differing Cost Structures – Strong put across Barriers Internal Rivalry Differing Cost Structures – Consider A Wal-Mart Supercenter: • > 100,000 Square Feet • Average Supermarket Only 35,000 Square Feet – evidentiary Economies Of Scale Difference And Wal-Mart Continually Drives Down Prices Strong passing play Barriers – High Investment In Property, Distribution And Inventories Entry Threat to Profits: Medium Originally, health Food Stores Were Small, Expensive, And Unpredictable. Some Health Stores Grew Into Supermarkets: – Sun harvest-time – Whole Foods Market Some Existi ng Supermarkets Re-Branded – Wegmanns ! – HEB: primordial Market share Entry Types Re-branded Supermarkets • H.E.B....If you want to embark on a mount essay, order it on our website:

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