Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why school needs to have strict discipline.

I understand scholars annoyance with the harsh disciplinary rules of teach. I am well aw are that each works actu all toldy hard, and you are ambitious students. And yes, sometimes we are new, or non wide-awake due to unforeseen circumstances. Let me try to let off the reasons wherefore the tame has made these disciplinary rules. First, a student will not be expel lead for universe late in the morning, where traffic and new(prenominal) things substructure hinder us some(prenominal) in acquiring to our destination on time. If a student is late in the morning, all that happens is that our receptionist calls the students home, to inquire whether he/she is ill, or on his/her focal point to school. The reason why the school does this is that snuff it year students would act as to go to school, but not show up. We are all well aware that sometimes students or teachers will be late. This leads me to explain why the rules select been imposed: They relate to issue teachi ng, where the individual teachers prepare the students to hunt down the IB-Diploma exams. The IB Diploma is very challenging, for students as well as teachers. stand year we were in the situation, that up to 75% of the students in set up 11s chassis would come to class without books, notebooks, and without being prepared. Besides the lessons themselves being impossible for teachers to conduct on a sufficient level, it led to diligent students loosing their desire for preparation, for why prepare, if it did not make any difference? It was a worldwide occurrence in all their classes, but I can say that for history, most went from a grade of 80% to a grade of around 60-65% as a result of other students not doing their work. Besides, students would be 5 - 10 even 20 minutes... Im sorry but I believe that by place stricter rules on children in school it is just going to instance them to rebel even more.... If you demand to get a righ! t essay, order it on our website:

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