Saturday, October 22, 2016

Overview of Galileo\'s Life as a Scientist

Galileo Galilei was born(p) near Pisa in February 15 1564. As he grew up he was taught by Monks and entered into the University of Pisa. In the University of Pisa he studied maths and he got a very(prenominal) high degree. After he graduated, slightly 1609 when the initial background was invented he do a orbit of his proclaim which enlarge 20 times. Galileo was one of the first people to point his telescope to the stars. By looking in the sky he ascertained one of Jupiters 4 moons, the composition of the Milky Way, and the suns rotation. In 1613 his discoveries led him to reinforce the Copernican theory, which angered the Catholic Church. Copernicus was a polish astronomer who in like manner believed that the country was not the warmheartedness of the universe and that the Earth revolved around the sun.\n\n later on on in 1632 Galileo made the church building level more(prenominal) furious after he wrote his book (Dialogue Concerning the Two foreman World Systems). This book support Copernicus thoughts on the Earth revolving around the sun, which of course made the church even more furious. even so though this book was know to be a chef-doeuvre by todays scientists, the church refused his thoughts and was warned by the church about excommunication but he didnt beware he was so fortunate and so into his work that he would not leave what he had done not even if he was threatened with great(p) punishment.\n\nIn 1633 Galileo was out on trial and the cause was morose the church with contradicting ideas. He was trialed to be confined in his own home for the rest of his life. just now even though Galileo was imprisoned he still worked and wrote other book called Discourses on the ii New Sciences this book was establish on the science of mechanics. Galileo Galilei died in 1642.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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