Sunday, January 1, 2017

The True Islamic Morals

almost people who say they ar acting in the create of trust may misconceive their religion or act it wrongly. For this reason, it is a mistake to row any idea of that religion from the activities of these people. The best way to study Islam is through its holy place source.\n\nThe holy source of Islam is the Quran; and the stumper of worship in the Quran is completely unalike from the image of it formed in the learning abilitys of some westerners. The Quran is based on the concepts of chasteity, love, blessing, mercy, modesty, self-sacrifice, tolerance and calmness, and a Islamic who truly lives according to these righteous precepts is highly refined, thoughtful, tolerant, trustworthy and accommodating. To those around him he gives love, respect, peace of mind and a sense of the pleasure of life.\n\nIslam Is A Religion Of counterinsurgency And Well-Being\n\nThe word Islam has the aforementioned(prenominal) meaning as peace in Arabic. Islam is a religion that ca me down to offer almsgiving a life alter with the peace and well-being in which immortals eternal mercy and compassion is manifested in the world. divinity fudge invites solely people to accept the righteous teachings of the Quran as a model whereby mercy, compassion, tolerance and peace may be sleep to overhearherd in the world. In Surat al-Baqara verse 208, this ensure is given:\n\nYou who believe! memorialize absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright opponent to you.\n\nAs we see in this verse, people bequeath experience well-being and happiness by living according to the moral teaching of the Quran.\n\n graven image Condemns shenanigan\n\nGod has commanded humanity to keep down evil; he has command immorality, rebellion, cruelty, aggressiveness, murder and bloodshed. Those who do not obey this command of God ar walking in the steps of Satan, as it says in the verse above, and have follow an attitude that God has di stinctly declared unlawful. Of the many verses that bide on this subject, here are only two:\n\n just now as for those who break Gods abbreviate after it has been agreed and transgress what God has commanded to be joined, and produce corruption in the earth, the anathemize will be upon them. They will have the Evil Abode. (Surat ar-Rad: 25)\n\n look for the abode of the hereafter with what God has given you, without forgetting your portion of the world. And do good as God has been good to you. And...If you want to get a full essay, narrate it on our website:

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