Monday, February 6, 2017

The Great Gatsby - Daisy and Zelda

Authors often develop their characters or plots from people and events in their lives. F. Scott Fitzgerald is kn give birth for describing in semi-autobiographical legend the privileged lives of wealthy, aspiring socialites  which in turn created a sunrise(prenominal) breed of characters in the 1920s (Willhite). It is state that His tragic life was an humorous analog to his ro humanstic finesse  (Francis Scott describe Fitzgerald ). Fitzgeralds most celebrated work, The Great Gatsby extends and synthesizes the themes that pervade only of his fiction: the callous stillness of wealth, the hollowness of the American succeeder myth, and the sleaziness of the contemporary scene (Francis Scott let on Fitzgerald). In the novel, Daisy Buchanan and Gatsbys relationship ar a representation of his own marriage to Zelda Sayre. Fitzgerald depicts his forced an restless marriage with Zelda through his portrayal and actions of Daisy Buchanan, as well as Daisy and Gatsbys une asy relationship.\nF. Scott Fitzgerald was born in September of 1896 to a bourgeois american family in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was a quiet man with beautiful Southern adroitness  (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald ). When Fitzgerald attended Princeton in 1913 a small, handsome, blond son with disconcerting green eyeball fought hard for success, but due(p) to illness and low grades, he dropped out of Princeton in 1915 without a degree (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald ). In November of 1917, Fitzgerald enlisted into the army with a endorsement lieutenants commission. He was stationed at battalion Sheridan, in Montgomery Alabama. It is in that location that Fitzgerald met Zelda Sayre, the daughter of a umpire of the supreme court of law of Alabama, a beautiful, witty, daring girl, as liberal of ambition and desire for the area as Fitzgerald ; Fitzgerald would come to get hitched with Miss Sayre a a few(prenominal) years later (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald). Fitzgeralds first endeavor to court Zelda Sayre was unsuccessful (Cline).\nZelda Sayre was...

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