Saturday, August 19, 2017

'The Weaknesses of Holden Caulfield - The Catcher in the Rye'

'In The catcher and the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, protagonist, Holden Caulfield, begins the score in much(prenominal) as how it ends. Holden, be a role player individual, never cares into explanation other populations ideas and because of his firmness, never learns his les watchword.\nThrough discover the novel, Holden tells lies the give cares of its his job. At the beginning of chapter 3 Holden even states, Im the roughly terrific liar you ever adage in your sprightliness (Salinger p.16). He cognizes that it is flagitious but he being perilous thinks that he necessarily to lie to coin the world and to shed light on him seem like he is perfect. For slip, when Holden goes to phone Mr. Spencer, his history instructor that flunked him, he refuses to hold word to the advice Mr. Spencer has to give to him. He thinking any(prenominal) he does is right, doesnt extremity to be lectured and tells Mr. Spencer that I see to go right to the gym to get out of interpreting how stubborn and hypocrite he is (Salinger p.15). Holden knows that Mr. Spencer is trying to process him but doesnt care to take his advice into consideration because he thinks its phony when adults lecture you.\nAn example of Holden being an fake comes when he is on the train with Mrs. Morrow. He thinks that if You take persons mother, in only they want to hear around is what a hot-shot their son is (Salinger p.56). Holden held to libertine to this idea; tries to tease with Mrs. Morrow telling her how everyone loves her son even know Holden hates him because she is an attractive woman. He also tells her that his pull in is someone elses and that he is qualifying to home to have surgery. Holden tells all of these lies to profit the chance of having a sexual bump with Mrs. Morrow because sex is all he desires.\nHoldens insecurity most himself is why he criticizes others. He thinks that if he downgrades other community then he can receive better about himself.Right bef ore Holden leaves for unfermented York he yells snooze tight, ya morons! to his roommates (... If you want to get a encompassing essay, order it on our website:

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