Monday, August 21, 2017

'Well-Being and Belonging'

' run short to a sort of quite a little or places is a fundamental aim for human. Everyone should be having honorable horse guts of belong to our own company. When we atomic number 18 born, we have already belonged to distinguishable throngs, and in these sorts, our public assistance depends on our plug backbone of belong to a group. At school, our well-being depends on our secure whiz of belong to class and tender group of friends. At work, our well-being depends on our secure sniff out of belonging to workmates. At home, our well-being depends on our secure sense of belonging to family members. We alto set outher have different places to belong, and in these places when we get the sense of belonging, and then we feel the sense of bail and contentment which affect our well-being.\nbelong to a group provides us a sense of surety both physically and mentally. A group provides a cloth of rules, attitudes and values that we buns find a sense of security and comfo rt when we percentage the same aspects of emotional state and how we perceive the world. A sense of belonging emerges from our experiences, concepts of identity, relationships, acceptance in society and taking into custody through connections and interactions with people, places and the wider world. When on that point is no competitiveness between the members of the group, it creates a strong sense of security in spite of appearance the group.\nAccording to Maslows pecking order of requisites states that safety, go to bed and belonging are important as other needs. We need friendship and family in order to work up our mental health. Belonging into a group does not tho provide self-security and wellbeing, yet it also allows those individuals to do well. For example, our families are the stolon group to which we needs belong to, Families, ideally provide protective covering and love. They make us happy and forever and a day are incessantly supportive. Belonging is a great deal contradictory in nature. People whitethorn want to belong to a group or physical composition out of a sense of fear. We whitethorn be terror-struck of being unexpended out, ... '

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