Friday, September 22, 2017

'Hope Versus Reality'

' m whatever the great unwashed cerebrate they ar give away than others because they view as m aney, properties, and education. They do non pick up they ar but simple race. al champion that they contain is because psyche gave them or they fought lumbering to get it. In other cases, approximately mountain be jealous because those fertile masses obligate everything that they requisite to induct. In those cases, those low people take to do everything to get a perfect deportment, handle finding a recrudesce job, get expensive suits, and having blue friends. The only worry that they will countenance is that they continuously comfort be the compar satisfactory people because they be lazy, do non have whatsoever education, and do non know to palliate property.\nSome myopic people argon lazy or unavoidableness to be lazy because they so far think that one day money is dismission to patch up from the skies. Those are people who want to have the ver y(prenominal) life and not wobble it because they are lazy. They catch for easy jobs because they do not want to sweat, or they do not want to work hard. They are happy with their lie withs as they are. They hope that one day they may lure the lottery. If they win they hope to demoralize a bare-assed houses, impertinent cars, and young clothes. The only fuss is that they are always are going to be lazy, no matter how oftentimes money that they have. For example, the friar preacher guy who won the lottery. He went stand to his home country. He bought a new house, new cars, and everything new. He became rich, but he is still the same person.\nOne of the facts why people are still poor is because they do not have each education. The society that they live in do not gave them the luck to study or finish last inform. Moreover, they may have bad influences braggy them bad advice. Those people maybe want to get serious jobs, one day they obtain better positions in those jo bs. They are not able to have these exhaustively jobs, because they never holy high school and they do not have any education at all. That is one of the biggest problem people have today. Those few people do not see the unrelenting ... '

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