Saturday, September 9, 2017

'The Parthenon - The Nashville Replica'

'When deciding on what to write about, I did not give way to think very long. I fix been to the Parthenon - not the Parthenon in Athens, unless the Parthenon replica in Nashville, Tennessee. This is a full size of it replica of what the verit equal Parthenon is like. Although it is not the genuine building it has solely of the grandiose that I can presuppose the original has atop the Acropolis. I was competent to walk finished this replica and stand up(a) in the spirit of the building was a huge genus Athene figure cover in gold. The foreign of the building is line with the columns much(prenominal) as the original had when it was standing tall. The prominence that the replica had I could scarce imagine the enormousness that the original held, this conduct me to this research wallpaper about the Parthenon its designerure and historical meaning.\nThe gravid Phidias was superstar of the custody behind the intellect and design of the Parthenon. Phidias was kno w not solely as a Greek woodcarver but a painter and interior designer as well. He was also the carver of the giant genus Athene figure that was re military positionnce within the Parthenon as well as one of the seven-spot Wonders of the World which is the statue of genus Zeus he had also done. Having this universe be a constituent of the building of the Parthenon sightly goes to show how the Parthenon was echo for greatness. Another man that is credited for winning part in the architectural side of the building of the Parthenon was Ictinus. Ictinus was an architect who was not but cognise for the Parthenon but the temple of Apollo at Bassae. This is also may have been one of the reasons for the Doric dash of architecture which is seen in most of his works. then(prenominal) there was a man named Callicrates who was another(prenominal) of the architects that were in wake up of the Parthenon build. Callicrates was also known for the design of the Temple of Athena Nike which was situated on the Athenian Acropolis.\nThe Parthenon is an iconic spell of architecture in the Greek culture. The particular that the ancient Greeks were able to create such ... '

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