Saturday, February 8, 2014

Anti-Bullying Legislation

The subject I chose to write about is the Anti-Bullying Legislation. The Anti-Bullying Legislation is a commonwealth mandate that requires disciplines to attain an Anti-Bullying policy notwithstanding they commonly ar unfunded. I believe that the Anti-Bullying Legislation should be tone nationally rather than by state. The reason for this is because not every(prenominal) state seems to c be if the children are getting picked on in school precisely for existence a teeny dissimilar than the norm. I also think that not slake should ofttimes states care precisely I think on that point should be some sort of funding for the school so that they can boost security, not just for their property but more for the students offbeat. I also find that some schools adoptt seem to care if their students are being bullied, they let it pass like it is nothing... for example my son has actually been being bullied and not just called names but the bullies would physically re vile him, and when he would tell his teacher or a mebibyte avocation what was press release on they told him to suck it up and that at that place was nothing they could do cause he doesnt have it away their name or what class/grade they are in. I know that it is not just my sons school that does this because I have heard from several family members and fri end ups from some other towns and states that are having the same issue with their childrens schools. In my stamp more states and schools should care more about the childrens well-being; these kids are our future and what would happen to this coun subdue if most of the children end up growing up needing serious psychiatric divine service because they were bullied non-stop just for being different. Also the schools need to do a little more than just suspend the student that is strong-arm they should deal out a little more sudor in getting these children help, suspending them isnt going to do much all that is going to do is to stop the child from blustery for a ! twenty-four hour period because he is base of operations but once he goes clog you know its all going to start again. They should try to get the...If you need to get a full essay, ensnare it on our website:

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