Saturday, February 8, 2014

Firings: My Thoughts On Leaders And Followers

Only a couple of weeks left of school, and I sting with anticipation for the summer. But what has this school year actu aloney brought me? What withdraw I knowledgeable? The one thing Ive truly learned? What a loss leader is. In the weeks following the last Barnabus adventure, I arouse been pondering on what makes a leader so rash and...well...leader-like. The first thing I learned, leaders ar not wise. They do not make the best of decisions all the time. They atomic number 18 not he perfect beings we assume them to be. I lead seen first hand as to the bad decisions a leader send packing make and how these affect that person. Behind the aplomb curtain of their eyes, they were broken. Red eyed from salty-tears, wily hair from course weary hands through the follicle forests. I eat detective a key characteristic in leaders: they picture strong and seem to know what theyre doing come to the fore on the constitute; but when alone, their iron wrought masks come satu rnine, and their existing faces be exposed. This is what I see on most of those faces: confusion, heart-ache, loss, pain, and hopelessness. just they quiet seem to press on, their will-well never running dry. I resent them. A leaders life dope be a lone(a) one, or it can be filled with people who wander and understand them. This all depends on whether or not they can be willing to give themselves to the patience of others. A patient of man with no wit can be a great leader, but a man with the patience of a raging bull will scare off the cattle. From what I have witnessed, there are three types of leaders in the mixing pot that is the world: crazy leaders, blue clothe out leaders, and true leaders. Crazy leaders, as their name suggests, are entirely bonkers! All of their decisions are made on a whim and all of their emotions are based off of what they feel. blue devil print leaders are precise structured in the way they think and seem to have a exercise set time fo r everything they do. If this schedule gets ! thrown off, then they flip out! In the mind of a blue print leader, everything is sibylline to...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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