Sunday, October 30, 2016

Capstone Paper on Terrorism

In well-nigh fresh time Terrorism is an feature among us. There are umteen diametric terms and meanings of the volume terrorism that great deal melt to interpret. A method of terrorism is to strike fear into the paddy wagon of the citizens. In the terrorists mastermind of view, terrorism is used to throw and manipulate the minds of individuals. The 9/11 attack was an eye unfastener to the term Terrorism.\nThe event that occurred during kinsfolk 11th 2001, it was one of the most horrendous terrorist attacks in the floor of the USA. The nation and many people were affected in different ways. Al Qaeda spend roughly half a one thousand thousand dollars to destroy the universe of discourse Trade Center and lame the Pentagon. What has been the cost to the United States? In a go over of estimates by The revolutionary York Times, the answer is $3.3 trillion, or about $7 million for every dollar Al Qaeda spent supplying and executing the attacks.1. This attack was be after out to cripple the nubble of the financial system in the United States. The terrorist organization Al Qaeda has successfully implement this attack on the States soil.\nTerrorism doesnt unless affect a realm financially, but it also affects it mentally. As stated in the New York Times article - A Universe Loss and recovery for 9/11 Families A deeper and more comprehensive portrait, though, emerges from a New York Times survey comprising scores of detailed interviews exploring the families emotional, corporal and spiritual status. That survey order lives colored by chronic pain. Almost half fluent have a nasty time getting a good nights sleep. A hardly a(prenominal) said they no longer flew on airplanes. About a third have changed jobs or quit. About one in five have go since 2001, and a fifth of those who steady live where they did on Sept. 11 would move if they could. Very some who lost a collaborator have remarried.2 My thoughts on this is that the 9/11 attacks det ermined a scar into the minds of the American citizens.\nTerrorism also affec...

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