Friday, October 28, 2016

The Problem with Blind Justice

According to the dictionary, legal expert is synonymous with righteousness, lawfulness, and comp beity. In my public opinion this means that when jurist is served the dishonored are punished and the blameless are maintain their freedom. In other words, when a disgust is committed, the guilty party should be brought to justness. In the mannikin of a murderer, referee would mean that this individual serves a long prison sentence or mayhap face the death penalty. A famous icon representing justice is Lady Liberty. In this statue, she is blindfolded, representing arbitrator is blind. This means justice is equal to everyone, despite racial, social unearthly and economic factors.\nEssentially, justice is the attractive treatment of people and honesty. barely the indorse relevant to the hail case is considered and essentially everyone is tempered fairly under the law. For example someone reart be convicted of rape because of their die hard or murder because they are poor. Justice is the independent investigation of truth. In a tourist court the lawyers present their sides of the alleged actions to the jury. The justness presides over the courtroom and makes legitimate the law is followed. The jury is supposititious to look at the facts and evidence presented to them and to make a finality based on the law. This is seat of the US legal constitution. In a perfect world, justice involves people getting what they harbor coming to them. In a sense, the bad reap penalisation and the righteous are free. Although justice can be utilise properly, justice is an imperfect inclination and system. When the justice system fails is can ruin the lives of innocent people.\n mob Bain is an example of the justice system failing an innocent man. In 1974, Bain, from Florida, was 19 when he was convicted on charges of kidnapping, burglary and rape. He was convicted and was given a life sentence. The victim, a 9 year old boy, told practice of law that his atta cker had bushy sideburns and a mustache. After being shown pentad photo...

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